4 min read

Generalized Additive Models Part 1: Background

This is the first post in a mini series on generalized additive models or GAMs. In a sense, this is the culmination of what I have learned so far studying nonliear models. Everything I have done since my first post on nonlinear models has been about splines and GAMs in mgcv are implemented with splines. I could have jumped straight in to GAMs but I didn’t think it would be worthwhile before having a solid understanding of splines. I’m not ‘done’ with splines as I will be seeing how they can be applied to time series but this is basically the end of the first phase of my nonlinear models adventure.

Here we will cover a bit of background on GAMs. This will be a high level overview because many of the ideas from before carry over. In future posts we will see how we can use them with data.

What’s with the Name

Let’s break down the name because this will give some insight into their use cases. Generalized tells us that they can be used to model a variety of responses. Generalized linear models is a class of linear models that provide a unified approach to modeling different types of responses. A special case of this is the linear regression that we all know and love where the response is assumed to follow a normal distribution. Logistic regression is another example where we assume the response is Bernoulli. Actually, we can use generalized linear models for any response that is assumed to follow the exponential family of distributions. We can also extend this idea to mixed models via Generalized Linear Mixed Models. So any type of model with generalized in the name can be used to model responses that come from the exponential family. Since GAMs have generalized in their name, you better believe they can too.

So we can use GAMs to model a variety of responses but what makes them different from Generalized Linear Models? The linear part. GAMs don’t restrict themselves to a linear relationship between the predictors and the response. Instead, we model the response by combining nonlinear functions of the inputs. But we aren’t restricted to strictly nonlinear functions. We can mix and match as we see fit. Now we could do this in linear regression by including for example log(x1) but this is usually only feasible when we have a small number of variables and we only do a few such transformations. GAMs provide a more flexible approach.

The additive in GAMs is pretty clear. GAMs are additive models. After applying nonliear (or linear) functions to the inputs, we combine them additively. For example, a model like y=x1exp(x2) would not be a GAM.

The Model

Alright, now that we have an idea of what GAMs are, let’s see what the model looks like. A GAM has the form f(x)=β0+g1(x1)+g2(x2)++gp(xp) where gi is some nonlinear function of xi. So we apply some function to each of our inputs xi then add up all those functions to get our f. If the response is say Bernoulli then we need to apply another function first, just like in Generalized Linear Models.

In theory we can use any sort of functions gi but in practice they are smooth functions. Usually some sort of spline but we could use for example local regression as well. We could also combine two or more xs with something like g12(x1,x2). The idea here is similar do what we saw previously where we said a multivariate spline model could be built by fitting splines to each input, something like lm(y ~ bs(x1) + bs(x2), df). Actually, this would be a special case of a GAM. But GAMs give us more flexibility than this approach.

The flexibility of GAMs are part of what make them so nice. We could for example mix nonlinear smooths with linear components, include categorical variables, or have nonlinear functions of several variables. We can also use them for time series which we will see in a future post. The generality of GAMs essentially allow us to include whatever types of terms we deem necessary, as long as the form of f is additive.